Friday, February 11, 2011

Bring the Sun into your Home

This has been one of the worst winters EVER! Sometimes it's a real challenge dealing with snow, sleet and rain and the cold that has come with it. So this morning I created an Etsy Treasury that I hope will help you find some sun!

'Catch the Sun!' by crememagnolia

Anyway possible to bring the sun into your home!

Glass Garden Yard Art Sculpt...

Pink Heart and Flowers Stai...

Hot Pink Heart

Pink 16 Pointed Waldorf Wind...

Rainbow Light Catchers Germ...

Lollipop Mandala Suncatcher

Flutterby Butterfly Stained ...

Gift For The Gardener Upcycl...

Large Pink Victorian Heart S...

Flower kaleidoscope sun catc...

Handblown Hummingbird Orname...

Tatted Bunny Sun Catcher By ...

Dancing Shoes Sun Catcher

Art Glass Twist in Pink, Pur...

Peek A Boo Pink Winged Fairy...

Stained Glass Pink Breast Ca...

Treasury tool is sponsored by A/B image testing.


  1. Love this and boy do I know all about not having the sun here in Michigan! Let's pray for an early spring!! I miss the sun and the green grass and smell of summer!

  2. Great collection! That hummingbird is amazing!!

  3. I love glass pieces. Especially the kaleidoscope.

  4. I love pink and pastels!! These are beautiful!


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