Monday, February 7, 2011

The Economy of a Housewife

I believe that every housewife needs her own money. There are several ways to accomplish that: pilfer the grocery money; sell a product to family and friends such as Avon; or expand your passion to an online store. The reason I believe this is so important is we all need just that small amount of spending money that is totally ours to do with as we want. Many of my personal and Cyber friends have Etsy and other like-venue stores. I have a store on Etsy and Artfire.

Unlike most of my friends my buyer demographic is very specific because I sell mosaic tiles cut from vintage and antique plates. My buyers are either mosaic artists or jewelry makers. Beyond that, I have no other outlets to market my wares, unlike the homeopathic cream and soap makers and the very talented with a sewing machines.

As I write this blog it occurred to me that many sellers on Etsy and ArtFire are either single moms or sellers who augment their family income. It is to those that I take my hat off. I on the other hand use the proceeds to fill my coffers of "mad money."

My husband handles all the household finances (thank gawd because I did it the first 25 years) but there is a downside. When I see something I want to buy, whatever it is or however frivolous, I have to ask and explain. I'm a strong willed and often outspoken woman and I hate having to explain why I want something!

Once on a mailing list always on a mailing list. I receive at least 20 catalogs in the mail on a weekly basis. Our mail lady must surely hate me, and I avoid her at all costs. In any event, I love, love, love receiving my catalogs. It's like when I was a kid and the Sears Christmas catalog arrived. But I digress...when my catalogs arrive I sort them by interest and former relationships. Each and every catalog has a website for instant shopping and dot com is my absolute favorite shopping arena.

Because of the money I make from my Etsy store, I have the freedom to buy whatever I want and never have to justify the purchase to anyone, ever. I'm able to buy gifts, personal products (husbands just don't understand the importance of pedicures) and most of all I can buy all the craft supplies I can realistically afford at any given time.

Long story short, I love having a store on Etsy that affords me complete autonomy from the household money...well almost! read and get to know some incredible Etsy Bloggers, check out  the Etsy Blog Team

Strong willed woman... Photobucket


  1. wow - that is an amazing photo! I'm a "housewife too -- it can be such an isolating experience -- it's great to have blog & Etsy friends to talk to. Cheers!

  2. I'm not technically a housewife or stay at home mom, but my I know what you mean by having a few pennies to call your own. I hate asking and justifying any sort of purchases...which is why I have tried to set up my etsy shop too. ;)

    I appreciate the support of people on etsy and blog land otherwise my interaction with others would be non existent.

  3. great post! I'm not a housewife either - but I so understand what you're saying. we are much alike in this respect! I retired in 2009, and I use my Etsy shop saless to help supplement my pension check, so when my sales drop I do worry and I hate dipping into the till, so to speak.

    - Cookalashoc
    from Etsy Bloggers

  4. I too get what you are saying. My situation is different in that I have never had to justify or explain why I bought something. I just do and my DH is ok with it. However, since I left corporate America many years ago.. I do miss personal money. My quilting etc gives me that!
    I am your newest follower. Please come by my blog and follow back, thanks!

  5. Oh PS-- I am following you from Etsy Blog Team

  6. I hear you! I know I like to be able to make purchases without talking to anybody about them! :) I made a bunch of Etsy purchases yesterday! I mean a lot! And Hubby won't know about them until they come in the mail! I hope he doesn't notice them too much! :)


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